John P. Brown, The Darvishes or Oriental Spiritualism, Ed. By. H. A. Rose, Oxford University Press, London, 1927. p. 187-190.
The twelve posts are in remembrance of the twelve Imams, and are as follows:
- Is the seat of the Shaikh who personifies ‘Ali.
- Of the cook, called the post of Said Ali Balkhi, one of the caliphs of the Order.
- Of the breadmaker, called after Bahim (Balim) Sultan.
- Of the naqib (Deputy Shaikh), named after Gai Gusus (Kaygusuz).
- Of the maidan. It is occupied by the superintendent of the takia, who represents Sari Ismail.
- Of the steward of the takia, called after Kuli Achik Hajim Sultan (Kolu Açık Hacım Sultan).
- Of the coffee-maker, called after Shazili (Şazeli) Sultan.
- Of the bag-bearer, called after Kara Daulat Jan Baba (Karadonlu Can Baba).
- Of the sacrificier, called after Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah, or the prophet Abraham of the Old Testament.
- Of the ordinary attendant of the services, called after Abdal Musa.
- Of the groom, called after Qambar (Kamber), the groom of the caliph Ali
- Of the mihmandar, or the officer charged with attending upon the guests of the takia, called after Khizr (Hızır).
- Baba Postu, Horasan Postu, Haji Bektash Veli
- Aşçı Postu, Post of the Cook, Seyit Ali Sultan.
- Etmekçi (Ekmekçi) Postu, Post of the Baker, Balım Sultan.
- Nakip Postu, Post of the Warden or Registrar. Kaygusuz Sultan.
- Atacı (or Atçı) Postu: Post of the Groom, Kamber Ali.
- Meydancı Postu, Post of the Keeper of the Meydan, Sarı İsmail.
- Türbedar Postu, Post of the Keeper of the Tomb, Kara Donlu Can Baba.
- Kilerci Postu, Post of the Keeper of the Cellars, Şahkulu Hacim Sultan.
- Kahveci Postu, Post of the Coffee Maker, Şah Şazeli Sultan.
- Kurbancı Postu, Post of the one who kills the Sacrifice, Abraham.
- Ayakçı Postu, Post of the keeper of the Shoes, Abdal Musa Sultan.
- Mihmandar Postu, Post of the keeper of the Guest House, The Prophet Hızır.